Screen Manipulation topic

An ANSI terminal allows control of the screen like a canvas or buffer, and also provides a few other ways to interact with the terminal, such as changing the size or title. The following sections will cover how to control the screen using ANSI escape codes.

Scrolling the screen

The screen can be scrolled up or down by a number of rows:

// Scrolls the screen up by 3 rows.

// Scrolls the screen down by 3 rows.

Clearing the screen

The Clear enum provides variants to clear the screen; the most common are Clear.all and Clear.currentLine:

// Clears the entire screen.

// Clears the current line.

Changing line wrapping

The LineWrap enum allows toggling line wrapping on or off:

// Turns line wrapping off.

// Turns line wrapping on.

Changing the screen size

The SetSize class provides escape codes to set the screen size:

// Sets the screen size to 80 columns by 24 rows.
stdout.writeAnsi(SetSize(80, 24));

Changing the screen title

The SetTitle class provides an escape code to set the screen title:

// Sets the screen title to "My App".
stdout.writeAnsi(SetTitle('My App'));

Entering and exiting alternate screen mode

The AlternateScreen enum allows entering and exiting alternate screen mode:

// Enters alternate screen mode.

// Exits alternate screen mode.

It is standard practice to enter alternate screen mode when starting a program and exit it when the program ends. This allows the program to run in a separate screen buffer, which is useful for full-screen applications like text editors or interactive programs.

See best practices for more recommendations.

Starting and ending synchronous updates

The SynchronousUpdate enum allows starting and ending synchronous updates:

// Starts synchronous updates.

// Ends synchronous updates.

Synchronous updates are useful when you want to update the screen without flickering or other visual artifacts. This is especially useful when updating the screen in a loop or when updating multiple parts of the screen at once.

See best practices for more recommendations.

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ScrollDown Screen Manipulation
An escape code that scrolls the screen down by rows.
ScrollUp Screen Manipulation
An escape code that scrolls the screen up by rows.
SetSize Screen Manipulation
An escape code that sets the screen size to rows by columns.
SetTitle Screen Manipulation
An escape code that sets the screen title to title.


AlternateScreen Screen Manipulation Best Practices
An escape code that enters or leaves the alternate screen buffer.
Clear Screen Manipulation
An escape that clears all or part of the screen.
LineWrap Screen Manipulation
An escape code that enables or disables line wrapping.
SynchronousUpdates Screen Manipulation Best Practices
An escape code that starts or ends synchronous updates.